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New fiction? Not hard to find.

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I’m so witty with my headlines, I just want to punch myself in the face for being such a pretentious git.

First things first: It’s Monday! That means new fiction! And a re-stocked supply of exclamation points! This week’s entry in the Worth a Thousand collection is entitled Hard to Find (and yes, the title is a riff on the Flannery O’Connor story — a bit more of that face-punching wit in action).

Secondly, I didn’t think it would happen so soon, but I’m already running out of artwork for these things. If you’re an artist, or know an artist, or have an artist tied up in your basement painting commissions while you threaten his family, drop me a line about featuring your artwork in a Worth a Thousand story. It’s strictly an art “loan” with no money or rights changing hands, so if you’ve got some cool artwork lying around collecting virtual dust, drop me a line and let’s put it to work.
