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No Nano, Yes Naga

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Clearly I’m an idiot. Or maybe insane. Or an insane idiot, which means I should probably be running for office. Whatever the case, my obviously damaged mind has decided that I don’t have enough on my plate, so it’s tackling a whole new creative project for November.

No, it’s not NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month for the uninitiated). Not this year. Instead, I’m taking part in National Game Design Month, which has the much cooler, more-pronounceable acronym NaGa DeMon.

The rules for NaGa DeMon are basically the same as NaNoWriMo, but instead of writing a novel in November, you’re supposed to create a playable game by the end of the month. This can be any kind of game — board game, video game, tabletop roleplaying game, drinking game, that weird fur-suited live-action dungeon-crawler you’ve been dreaming of — so long as you can get it playable — and actually play it — before December 1.

How hard can it be?

Coincidentally, I was recently thinking about designing a new RPG. I had a basic game world sitting around from a project I wrote back in college. And the system I would want to use just went open source. The pieces were in place. All I needed was an excuse to sit down and do it.

Well played, NaGa DeMon. Well played.

So who’s with me? November starts tomorrow. We’ve got a month. Sign up on the NaGa DeMon website (or don’t; it’s not like there are prizes or anything) and join me for 30 days of insanity, idiocy, or some unelectable combination thereof.


3 thoughts on “No Nano, Yes Naga”

    1. @Rob: I’ll be doing the big reveal here on Monday’s post (though I might give it away on the FB group first). BTW, it was on your free RPG blog ( that I stumbled onto Nagademon. Just one more reason for me to love that blog.

      @Joshua: Once I’ve got the RPG done, I’ll be looking to make a video game, and hiring programmers and artists willing to work for girly giggles. I’ve got giggles to burn, baby. Giggles to burn.

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