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A Spider by Any Other Name is Still Icky

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Earlier this week, I mentioned a new world-building project featuring a low-fantasy setting in which people fight to survive against an invading army of giant spiders. As I noted, it’s a simple idea with a lot of intriguing bits just below the surface, but before I get too deep into it, I have one major hurdle:

What to call it?

My working title is “SpiderWorld” and that’s beyond terrible. That’s not an option; it’s just the name of a folder on my computer’s hard drive.

The problem is, I want the title to convey “spiders” and “fantasy” and (ideally) “grim desperate fight for survival,” without being too heavy-handed about it. I’ve been kicking a few ideas around:

Empire of the Giant Spiders” works, but is a bit on the nose. Too on the nose, in fact. Why is it even on this list?

Web Lands” was a contender for a while. Might still be. I like the way it rolls of the tongue and sounds sort of like “badlands.” But I’m not a fan of how generic it is, and how it sounds sort of like “Deadlands,” which is a totally different thing.

Realm of the Spider Lords” is a bit long and florid, but definitely hits the “fantasy” note. A bit pulpy, but I’m okay with pulpy.

Web of Despair” points to spiders and grim desperation. Not so much the fantasy, but that might be okay.

Web of Chains” as above, but really leans into the grim.

Spider Siege” has a ring to it.

Web World” does too. (And by “ring” I apparently mean alliteration.)

I’m coming around to a couple of these, but none of them are Obviously The One True Name. If you want to cast a vote for one of these names, or suggest one of your own, I’d love to hear from you. Drop me comment here on the blog, on Facebook, or on Twitter.


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