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And so it begins

My daughters have taken to playing games with me in the evenings this week. On Tuesday, we played Landlock. Last night, we played it again, this time using some of the rules. Tonight, they requested Candyland.

“Remember when I used to play with Candyland with the zombie dogs?” asked Thing One, who is six. I assured her I did.

“We should use a zombie dog,” she continued. “It can go down the path and try to eat the other players.”

House rules? With zombies? I was proud. With just a few questions from me, she worked out her own system for integrating a zombie dog into Candyland.  And so it gives me great pleasure to present Thing One’s Zombie Dog Variant:

  • One player controls the dog.
  • The other players each receive three bullet tokens.
  • During the dog player’s turn, she moves the dog to the next purple space.
  • If that space is occupied by another player’s pawn (aka “gingerbread man”), that player can fight the dog off by spending a bullet. If that player has no bullets left, his pawn is removd from the game and he is elminated from the game.
  • If the dog player eliminates all the other players, she is the winner.

(After playing with these rules, I would suggesting modifying them so the dog doesn’t have to land exactly on the pawn, but can attack while “moving over” it, which will increase the quantity of zombie dog attacks.)

Yup. Pretty proud.
