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Random Recommendations for July 2010

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Ages ago, I promised that I’d be providing recommendations on this blog. Well, promised is a bit strong. I mentioned that it was something I’d do. Sometimes. On occasion.

And one of those occasions is now…

If you like zombie moves (and since you’re reading this, statistically that means your 62% more likely to do so), then I recommend catching Fido on DVD / Blueray /Netflix / whatever . It’s got humor, heart, and gory zombie violence in the proper mix.

If you have a soul, I recommend Toy Story 3. If you have a soul and one or more children, you’ve probably already seen it. Which means you have cried. And that’s okay. Real men cry at Pixar movies, and their tears are full of pheromones.

If you’re tired, I recommend a good night of sleep. Never touch the stuff myself, but I hear it’s good for you.

If you’re willing to seriously creep yourself out, I recommend the horror comic Locke and Key from Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez. It reads like a good Stephen King novel — which isn’t surprising, since Hill is not-so-secretly King’s son, and an excellent horror novelist in his own right.
