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I’m a Tool

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Yes, I’m a tool. More accurately, I’m finally some one’s target market. If you’re selling televisions, cars, pop stars, hand soap, hunting supplies, reality TV shows, or celebrity relationship gossip… I don’t care. Your square peg bounces off the round hole in my head where advertising should go.

But sell me zombies?

Sell me a TV show (on AMC no less!) about zombies based on the The Walking Dead comic series I’ve been reading for the past seven years?

I’m so there. I’m following your Twitter feed, liking you on Facebook, and generally drinking the Kool-Aid. I’m not worrying about spoilers — I’ve already read the comics, I know what happens — I just want to stalk and devour all the info I can find.

Because I’m a tool. A tool for The Walking Dead.

Here: Watch the trailer, drink some Kool-Aid, and join me on the edge of my fanboy seat as we wait for the Halloween premiere to roll around.
