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Sometimes it helps to stop for a moment and look back over an arbitrary amount of time — oh, let’s say 12 months — and see what exactly you’ve accomplished during that period. Those times tend to show up near the end of December for some reason. Not sure why (I blame the Mayans) but it’s a fun tradition, and one I’m willing to support with the following list of games designed, worlds created, and projects written in 2012:

  • Karthador – After spending far too long first as a gestating seed in my brain and then as a dust-covered file on my hard drive, the pulp sci-fi world of Karthador burst into reality in 2012 in the form of a campaign book for the Savage Worlds roleplaying game. The manuscript is currently safe in the grasp of the stalwart editors at Reality Blurs, and is being primed for a 2013 release.

  • Anointed: Mantle of the Gods – I had the awesome opportunity to return to the world of New Gods of Mankind (a tabletop RPG I helped write a couple years ago) with Anointed, a brand new RPG set in the same universe but focused more on the “mankind” than on the “new gods” part. It’s an iron-age fantasy RPG in which the players play servants of the gods who are blessed with supernatural powers. According to the fine folks at Dark Skull Studios, this one’s on the schedule for release in early 2013.

  • New Gods of Raanon – I designed this online strategy game for Dark Skull that took some mighty strides in 2012, stopped to catch its breath (and a couple programmers), then set off charging once more towards 2013. Look for it soon on a Facebook near you!

  • Question Quest – I got to help out a little bit with the design and rules-writing on Question Quest, a clever fantasy card game designed to help teach kids new languages. The QQ team is putting out an excellent product and I expect to see more great things from them soon.

  • The Five – Did you know that I also write comic books? It’s true. This year, I had a chance to write the script for an upcoming comic miniseries that… well… is hard to explain. It’s a thriller. Sort of. With bits of horror and maybe sci-fi thrown in. (Sorry, trying to avoid spoilers.) It’s been a blast to work on, and reminded me of how much I love working in comics. I’m looking forward to doing more of it in the future.

  • The Unannounced – Much of my game design time in 2012 was dedicated to upcoming (but currently unannounced) projects at Dire Wolf Digital, Dark Skull Studios, and other places that may or may not start with the letter “D.” When they see the light of day, rest assured I’ll be trumpeting their presence here, but until then they remain wrapped in NDAs and smothered in secret sauce.

I’ve been blessed with some great projects, clients, and partners this year. Here’s hoping the same for you, dear reader, in 2013.

Happy New Year!


1 thought on “2012 is RIGHT BEHIND YOU!”

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